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Information on the FY 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity is coming soon. Please check back


BACKGROUND: In FY2023, the Orange County Board of Commissioners approved funding to expand Permanent Supportive Housing for people exiting chronic homelessness for the next ten years. The OC Partnership to End Homelessness, as Continuum of Care Lead Agency, will announce a Request For Applications (RFA) shortly.








Project Applications

Orange County is soliciting agencies to submit new and renewal consolidated project applications. All project applications and supplementary materials are due by TBA.  Application and materials to be emailed to



Timeline - TBA



Project Review Committee

Community members with a knowledge of homeless programs and community priorities serve on the Project Review Committee (PRC). PRC members work with funding recommendations for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Continuum of Care (CoC) competitions, and monitor program performance throughout the year. Project Review Committee members revise the project rating and ranking tool used to score CoC & ESG project applications and draft a list of recommended and prioritized projects for OCPEH Leadership Team review.


Project Review Committee members complete Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms and abstain from discussing or voting on any agencies they have ties to during CoC and ESG funding competitions. Members serve from July 2023 - June 2025.


Please email Rachel Waltz, if you are interested in learning more about the Project Review Committee.


Community Application Info
The table below contains all parts of the CoC Consolidated Application - the CoC Community Application, the CoC Project Priority Listing, and the Project pplications accepted and ranked, or rejected and all the submitted Project Applications as well as the CoC Planning Grant
Project Review & Ranking Resources
Project Applicant Resources

Current Grant Transfer Opportunity

This announcement serves as the opportunity for agencies to submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) for a grant transfer for an existing renewal project in Orange County, NC as part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) portfolio. Agencies considering applying must submit a letter of interest, CoC local scorecard, and CoC Transfer Grantee Certification and clearly demonstrate their ability to successfully meet the FY22 grant terms of The Women’s Center, Inc Rapid Rehousing for DV Survivors and their Families renewal grant under 24 CFR Part 578.37


To learn more including local timelines and how to apply, check here


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