Get Involved
There are many different ways to help end homelessness, with commitment varying from a click to a few hours to ongoing work for several years.
Have some clicks to spare? It helps a lot to follow, share, like, and retweet OCPEH social media posts
Twitter: @OCPEHNC
Facebook: @OrangeCountyPEH
Have one day, or part of a day, to volunteer?
Each Fall, OCPEH puts on the Project Connect service event
Each January community volunteers to help with the Point-in-Time Count
Looking to make a long-term commitment?
You can help plan and coordinate Project Connect and/or the Point-in-Time Count
Join the OCPEH Leadership Team - this is our board and they determine policy and priorities for homeless services funding
Want to donate?
You can make a tax-deductible contribution through the Orange County Community Giving Fund