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More Info

For more information about the work of the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (OCPEH), check out these presentations:
  • Homelessness 101 breaks down where we are in the work to end homelessness - what ending homelessness means, how this translates to the work to end homelessness in Orange County, and what data tell us about who is experiencing homelessness locally
  • 2021 Data Review - a deep dive into the latest Point-in-Time Count and System Performance Measure data submitted to HUD, as well as community discussion on housing/homelessness pandemic response, and exciting updates on the work of ending homelessness


You can find full information about OCPEH structure, committees, and staff roles in our Governance Charter.


These web sites provide useful information and resources related to ending homelessness and promoting affordable housing in Orange County and beyond:

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