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Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) FY2020-21

FY 2020-21 ESG Competition, August-October 2020

The State ESG Office issued a Request for Applications for FY 2020-21 ESG on August 17, 2020. Each year, the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) solicits applications from non-profits and local units of government who are interested in providing Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) services related to assisting individuals or families that are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.


Orange County is a subrecipient of ESG funds via the State ESG Office, who receives ESG funds from HUD.


Links and Documents


Orange County, through the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (OCPEH), is eligible to apply for up to $101,825 in total ESG funds in four categories:

  • Crisis Response: Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter Operations and Services

    • This category has a funding CAP

    • No more than $61,095 of the $101,825 is available for this activity

  • Housing Stability: Rapid Rehousing, Homelessness Prevention

    • This category has a funding MINIMUM

    • No less than $40,730 of the $101,825 is available for this activity

  • Homeless Management Information Systems database

  • Administration for fiscal sponsors and local units of governments




Mon. 8/24                       

Local competition information sent to service providers and community


Wed. 9/2 & Fri. 9/4         

State ESG Office 2020-2021 ESG RFA Instructional Session and Q&A


Thur. 9/17                        

Orange County Local Applicant Briefing, 1-2 p.m.


Mon. 9/28                       

Project applications due by noon, 12:00 p.m.


Mon. 9/28-Mon. 10/5   

Project Review Committee scores project applications


Mon. 10/5                       

All project application scores entered by noon, 12:00 p.m.


Fri. 10/9                       

Project Review Committee meeting to formulate recommendation for ESG FY 2020-21 funding for Leadership Team review


Mon. 10/12

OCPEH Leadership Team meeting to determine ESG FY 2020-21 funding recommendation

Fri. 10/16

OCPEH sends completed ESG application (Project applications, Regional application, and Funding recommendation) to State ESG Office



Project Review Committee

Community members with a knowledge of homeless programs and community priorities serve on the Project Review Committee (PRC). PRC members work with funding recommendations for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Continuum of Care (CoC) competitions, and monitor program performance throughout the year.


Project Review Committee members cannot have ties to agencies applying for CoC or ESG funding and serve July 2020 – June 2021.


Please email Corey Root if you are interested in serving on the Project Review Committee.



General ESG Info

HUD block grants Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) funds to the State ESG Office, who makes them available for many communities across the state, including Orange County. Several types of homeless programs and services are eligible activities, including:

  • Shelter operations

  • Street outreach

  • Rapid Re-housing

  • Prevention

  • Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) costs



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